Wednesday, April 30, 2008

vacation happenings

A couple of weekends ago, I went to a small sheepfest. I like to see what the sheep look like after they are sheared of their wooly coats.This white one looked a little worried.

This one's getting a pedicure to go with its new do.This is one majestic looking llama. Very, very handsome. But it's huge!! The owner was hoping the sheep shearer could sheer the llama, because she wasn't having any luck at all. The sheep shearer took his shears around the llama, turned them on and the llama freaked. The sheep shearer told her he really didn't have time right then, that he had a pile of sheep to shear.

I didn't get any "after" pictures. They just aren't as nice looking.
And while I was admiring sheep and buying yarn. L, M & C2 were doing this..........
No it can't be warm. April 19th in Maine!!!!!!!!!! They had a 4-H fitting clinic most of the day and I guess that pond looked pretty good by the end. L was the first one in and pretty soon there were 7 or 8 more kids in there.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"vacation" out of order

The kids were on vacation last week and I thought I'd be blogging everyday...................maybe in opposite world, but not mine!!

These next (I don't know how many) posts are out of order because I can't seem to find the right pictures and it's taking forever, so...........this last weekend, first. A 4-H event.
L with a borrowed Galloway named Violet. Her heifer was NOT cooperating.

M setting up Barbara's feet. She had her moments, too, as you can see!!
C2 with Allison. L with her heifer Sage. I think quite a few people had worked with her (Sage, not L)for the three days so she came around for the last show.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Crocus' I didn't where'd they come from??I don't know what these are either?? Maybe hyacinths, but I don't remember!! Definately not tulips, although, they may have snuck in with the crocus!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

wacky wednesday

Going to pick E up from preschool, this was coming at me on the road.
That's not quite legal!!!

And big news!! Do you see the loose tooth?

He stood it for about a half an hour and it had to come out.First one, how exciting!! After it was out, he said, "Yes, the tooth fairy!!"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

signs of spring

I think spring is springing!!
The snowmobiles are beached.

The snow on the pool is melting. And the kites are flying.

I could keep busy

Today is E's full day of preschool. I usually plan to get a lot done on these days and end up not getting much done at all. I think I'm so used to having him around wanting to do things that I don't ever get into the swing of things. I need to do the usual housework things. I'd like to work on L's Bonsai Tunic that didn't make her birthday. I haven't told her about it so it'll still be a surprise. I need to run a few errands. And do barn chores because H can't make it back from work today. It's supposed to be in the 60's all week, maybe I can put away winter stuff now.

(Zeni, a suri alpaca)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


This weekend Dad let E drive the Ranger. Whenever Dad says, "Hey Honey, come out and see this." I take a deep breath and grab my camera!! This time I ran back in for the video camera and M was in charge of the stills.
I got a ride later in the day. E is only 5 but has always had a knack for mechanics!! Kinda scarey, huh??

Monday, April 14, 2008

a reason to eat cake

Yesterday we had a family party for the birthday girl. It's always a good time.

A bee hive cake from Family Fun. Ours was not so picture pretty, but it was yummy.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

under construction

When E and I went for our walk the other day, I took pictures of this house. Unfortunately, I don't have any before shots, but look at it now!!!!!!!! It's an old farmhouse that had a big attached garage that led back into a huge barn. They took everything apart. They didn't just demolish it with an excavator. It's taken a long time to get to this point. Now they're putting a basement under it (I assume there was just a dirt floor under there). What a lot of work.

Friday, April 11, 2008

L's birthday was yesterday, "party" on Sunday. She chose to open only some of her presents and to save some for Sunday. She doesn't tuck, not even for pictures!! They have elastic waists.

At E's preschool, in the spirit of Earth day and Arbor day, they are able to earn "recycle dollars"
by doing good for the environment. Turning off lights, making sure faucets aren't dripping, recycling, picking up trash. So we went for a short walk and brought along some bags........
He's decided that there are a lot of lazy people out there!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Well, I've finished 3 out of 4 skirts. I think I'll let L pick which style she'd like #4.

I've also been putting knitting patterns and ideas in a folder. I'm going to try and make as many Christmas presents as possible.
This is one's much further along now. There are two or three possible recipients.
I might make a couple more. Different colorways, of course.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


This was outside my bedroom window a couple of mornings ago!!
There was one more, but it was behind a tree.Picture taken with no flash (so I wouldn't scare them away) at about 6:30am.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I went to the barn today to open up the doors and let some sunshine in. E said, "There's a cow out." and I said "Where?" "Right there...." he replied. And sure enough the cow named Buddy was sitting basking in the sun, chewing his cud. He's a cow who's mother refused him so we bottle fed him and let him be "free range" for a while (most of last summer).
This is him last May. Too cute. He's quite a bit bigger now. But he went back in his coral amazingly easy. It's a good thing, since it was only me and E at home!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Well, I haven't made much progress on birthday gifts. Tuesday I went with my sister to a doctor's appointment and today I brought my mother to a doctor's appointment. Both doctors were doctors who specialize in something specific, therefore, took about an hour (each way) to get to. The downfall of living in the country.....................

By the time we got back, it's time for the "big kids" to come home.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Yesterday was cloudy, warmish and foggy..................which ate a lot of the snow around here.

Today is crazy windy. Everything is blowing sideways!! It'll help dry things up, though.