Had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday. Everyone came here for dinner. We spread the cooking around so it seemed like I didn't have much to do. I supposed I could have cleaned and organized a little better. But as my sister likes to say, "it's ok, everyone knows how you are." So instead I spun some fiber. Much funner than chasing dust bunnies.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Guess What
Had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday. Everyone came here for dinner. We spread the cooking around so it seemed like I didn't have much to do. I supposed I could have cleaned and organized a little better. But as my sister likes to say, "it's ok, everyone knows how you are." So instead I spun some fiber. Much funner than chasing dust bunnies.
Friday, November 21, 2008
It's cold and crispy outside these days. Lots of frost and chilly temps. I don't understand when people complain about it though. Maine in November=cold. It's almost Thanksgiving after all.
A little green among the brown.
This rock looks like it's wearing a coat or a hat or a blanket. Something to keep warm.
I say, if it's going to be this cold, we might as well have snow!!
A little green among the brown.
Monday, November 17, 2008
it's a girl
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
food and water
Just walked down to the pasture to make sure the cows had water. Only a little ice was at the bottom of the tub, and the hose was frozen. Came back and checked on Bonnie (who looks more like a Helga). She was due to have a calf on Tuesday. She was just sitting there chewing her cud. Our Moms always calf after their due date, but we still check on them many times a day, we can't help it. Waited about 30 minutes and went back to the pasture and successfully filled the tub.
I think they were thirsty!!
And hungry!!
It's quite a crew when they're all home for the winter. That hasn't happened yet, but soon will.
It's quite a crew when they're all home for the winter. That hasn't happened yet, but soon will.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
me too
E was quite irritated that he couldn't vote, so I made him his own ballot. It included President, Congress and Senate, plus two state and one local referendum. I limited it, because I'd have to explain weirdly worded things to him.
E is pretty sure he was responsible for Barack Obama winning.
But he tried to take back his vote for the guy who lost the senate race!!
But he tried to take back his vote for the guy who lost the senate race!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Don't forget to get out and vote today. You can't do any complaining if you don't put in your opinion. So, go.............................
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Well, field hockey is over. Made it to the quarter finals and lost. That's ok. Time for something else. Like drivers ed!!!!! L starts soon. I just can't believe that she's old enough. Geez, where'd the time go.....................
Soccer is over too. M got his new skis on Saturday and now he's just waiting for the snow.
There's no snow in that sky.
We're not quite ready though, this is our wood pile.
Soccer is over too. M got his new skis on Saturday and now he's just waiting for the snow.
We're not quite ready though, this is our wood pile.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
field hockey
L's team finished the season exactly tied for 9th place. Same number of wins, ties and losses. AND the same number of goals scored as Cape. So a three way conference call between coaches and a neutral party took place. A coin toss and the prelims got played in Cape on Saturday. Lakers won. Unfortunately the next game, the quarterfinals were to be against #1 Leavitt. Leavitt is always #1. They always win and always eliminate us. The game was last night. I couldn't go, ERRRR. My sister and mother went though. I wasn't thinking much about it while making supper, but then I started getting texts. I don't text. I can't stand to abbreviate and it's just weird. The first text said, 1-0 us. I text(ed?) back Whoa. Then immediately, 2-0 us ( and some minutes left, can't remember). I text, Holy Sh*t. This just doesn't happen against Leavitt. Then, injury waiting for ambulance. I hate injuries especially if an ambulance has to come. I text who. I get a text that says a girl on our team and that this will break our momentum. Yup, we tend to have that problem. The injury was at the end of the first half, two minutes left. Second half, 2-1, they are outplaying us. I text, shoooot. Then I receive several with time left. That was nerve racking!! Then, we're holding our own. Then We did it!!!!. I text, I just can't believe it. And I still (almost) can't. #9 upsets #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Leavitt coach used to be my coach a long time ago. She left as a jv coach to take the varsity coaching position there.
During the regular season L started quite a few games and played almost all of a lot of the games, but the two play-off games she's hardly played at all. We're a little disappointed........... Don't know where or when the next game is but I've decided texting has it's place!!
The Leavitt coach used to be my coach a long time ago. She left as a jv coach to take the varsity coaching position there.
During the regular season L started quite a few games and played almost all of a lot of the games, but the two play-off games she's hardly played at all. We're a little disappointed........... Don't know where or when the next game is but I've decided texting has it's place!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
go go go
Well we had another busy weekend. I know, who doesn't. M had a game Thursday, L had a game Saturday, M & E ran a two mile fun run on the x-country trail at the high school on Monday and L had another game on Monday. L's regular season is over. Now it's playoff time. They aren't seeded very high so I don't expect them to go very far, but we'll see. E was very proud of himself for running the race (M had to hold his hand and pull most of the way) and was wondering where his trophy was!!!! Too funny!
M is asking if he can GO now, because the end was coming up and we would be able to see E.......
Go, Go, Go
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
more busy-ness
Managed to see M's game
and L's second game yesterday.
Today E went to school at his regular time and gets out early. L & M went to school late and get out at their regular times. This gives the teachers meeting time without having no school days. This happens once a month. It makes for a crazy day, because it's broken up into small increments of time. E gets to go with his cousin to a driving range after school. It's a surprise and he'll be so excited. He's never been. He has clubs and is always driving balls everywhere!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Here I am again already!! On Sunday, M, Nana and I went to the Common Ground Fair. Lots of fun. Didn't get to see everything. But got two big amounts of fiber to spin. Very happy about that. E started soccer yesterday. He said he didn't want to but I signed him up anyway. I know him better than he does.
I just love how happy and excited he gets when he's out there. Hard to capture though. I was a little worried he'd plow some one over in all his excitement. He's just a little taller than everyone else!!!
We've got a busy afternoon ahead of us. Both L & M have home games!!
We've got a busy afternoon ahead of us. Both L & M have home games!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Holy Cow
Holy Cow, it's already been another month!!! Where the heck is the time going???
Well, school and sports are under way. We have one bus driver who has missed our stop 3 times dropping off. Twice with E. Here's E riding the bus alone (without parents).
Gotten a lot of spinning done and am once again without fiber. So I knit. I used the last two handspuns to make hats. Did a sweater for E. And started a sweater for L. M isn't getting the shaft. He likes store bought!! Can you imagine!!
Fair season is in full swing. Cows are getting washed and clipped. E is practicing up. He has to wait until he's 8 or 9 (I forget which) to show cows in 4-H. Even though he's as tall as some 8 year olds. This is Copper with mom Velvet looking on. Copper was looking a little depressed, but he'll get used to it. He looked great when all the drying was done. They're off to the Farmington Fair, then Cumberland, then Fryeburg. Busy, busy!!
I guess all this is part of why I forget to post...........................
Well, school and sports are under way. We have one bus driver who has missed our stop 3 times dropping off. Twice with E. Here's E riding the bus alone (without parents).
Sunday, August 24, 2008
long time
It's been a long time. I guess it's not easy blogging in the summer. Too many people saying "MOM...................."
The end of July came and went. And just about all of August has gone, too! Geez!!!
Well, E had his kindergarten orientation day. He/We rode the school bus. He's informed me that he gets to go alone next time.
L started preseason and was happy she stayed in shape through the summer, because most girls were hurting. And M has a sore throat. He's mostly been bored this summer.
Spinning class is all done. I keep spinning myself out of fiber, so then I have stretches with nothing to spin. BooHoo. So I fill that in with knitting. I've made about 10 hats in the last couple of weeks. Doesn't that sound exciting.
Well, hopefully, I'll be more efficient with my next post................................
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
not often
We are not often at a lake. We have a pool so we really don't have a reason to. But a couple of times a year we go to relatives who live on a nice quite pond. I wasn't sure how E would do. After all a pool is a lot different than a pond. He jumped right in and swam out to the floating dock, no problems. He swam back and forth a whole bunch of times. L joined him after kayaking around a bit.
And M spent most of the time throwing splash balls.
It was sprinkly, then overcast, then rainy.............but we didn't care. You get wet swimming anyway. And we ended the evening with,
SPARKLERS.............which E thought was the coolest thing ever!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
quite obsessed
Busy spinning..................I'm quite obsessed!! I've wanted to learn to spin for such a long time, now I can't think of anything else!! Well, obviously I can think of other things, I have kids after all.................but do I ever have the spinning bug!!
Just a few skeins of yarn I've spun up!! I need to find a place close by where I can get more fiber or I'll get stuck with nothing to do!! Ha Ha that's a funny one.
M has tried spinning and E likes to treadle. L hasn't gotten a chance to try it yet.
M has tried spinning and E likes to treadle. L hasn't gotten a chance to try it yet.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Doesn't this look kind of like a spaceship??
Well it's actually a light for the pool. It has disco-like lights that pulse different colors. The colors don't really show up until it's dark outside. It's really fun when it gets dark enough and the lights are flashing. Everything in the pool gets colorful, even feet and bellies!! E just likes to hold it up to everyone and see "fireworks" colors on their middles!!
Hard to get a good picture, but this gives a better idea of the colors.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
This blogging thing is happening few and far between isn't it!!
I have never taking a class (in my adult life) for anything. This one I've been wanting to do for a loooooooooooooong time. And finally one came along that I could fit in. I've also had all the things I need except the know-how. Now I've got some of the know-how and I'm so excited!! Did you figure it out yet??
Spinning!! Not stationery bike spinning, but fiber spinning. I made that last night at the class and then some more at home after. I did some funky pink stuff, too.
A lot of thick and thin right now, I guess the even thing comes with practice.
J and the kids are off to the first fair of the season. They headed off yesterday afternoon. Got everything packed, clothes for themselves, cows, food for the cows, and all the "stuff" they need for the shows............and it's a lot of stuff!!
My mother and I started a class last night, I'll give you a hint..............
Gotta have kid picture!! She had my camera again!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
together and boiling...................
I didn't boil it long enough to get it to gel.............twice!!! I'm going to try a third time, then move on to strawberry jam. We may end up with strawberry rhubarb SAUCE!!
I can't believe the fourth of July has already passed. Does it feel like Sunday today or what!?! I brought E to the parade in Naples. It's just as much fun to people watch as parade watch. E thinks we go to parades to get candy. A mother and two kids watching across the road from us each had a bag with them. I wonder how much candy they thought they were going to get? At about 8:45pm we rode the ranger up to Hacker's Hill where we saw all kinds of fireworks. We could see 3-4 different towns' displays. Naples was the ones we were really there to see. Sitting there waiting I found a "fireworks" setting on my camera. I think the pictures came out pretty good, considering we were miles and miles away!!
The next big event is J's birthday. I am always at a loss as to what to get him. I have two days, and don't have any ideas......................................UGH!!
Well, have a nice Saturday
Well, have a nice Saturday
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Tomorrow, I'm going to try to make strawberry jam and strawberry rhubarb jam. I'm quite excited about it.....................
I'm surprised the strawberry fields haven't drowned or the berries been beaten to smithereens by the blasted rain. The only day that hasn't been rainy in I don't know how long was Wednesday. What the heck is going on with the weather??
It's keeping the pool full..................
Friday, June 27, 2008
look what I found
On my camera!!!! Actually, L showed me.....I like this setting. It's very fun. 

I can "stitch" together 2 or 3 pictures. M & E before haircuts. And the bottom picture after haircuts. I never notice the clutter in the background while I'm taking a picture, but after, it all sticks out like it's glowing!!
I said I like this setting.........I think I love this setting!!!
I can "stitch" together 2 or 3 pictures. M & E before haircuts. And the bottom picture after haircuts. I never notice the clutter in the background while I'm taking a picture, but after, it all sticks out like it's glowing!!
I said I like this setting.........I think I love this setting!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
too much
We picked up M from camp on Friday. He didn't feel well. I think just over-tired. He went to bed early and woke up feeling all better. L finished her second weekend of working and is enjoying herself. One of her good friends works with her so that makes things more fun.
We had a marathon shopping day today. We dragged Nana along. She doesn't do the mall, but did. She was a good sport and was probably glad to be dropped off at home!! We'll all sleep well tonight............
Thursday, June 19, 2008
more entertainment
Excuse me, are you hiring???

Who do you think this is?? I wasn't sure until I saw the next one.....................
E always has to have a ninja move in there!!
Just kidding, this is one of the dress-up pictures. L dressed up as a "man" in some and E dressed up as a girl in some. I guess that is L's interpretation of a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
While Mom's Away
While Mom's Away the kids will play.......................dress-up!!
L took pictures of E and E took pictures of L!
We've got pirates. ARGGH Maties!!
And cave people. I guess E didn't realize that cave men might not have had a lot of clothing!!
Do you think a saber-toothed tiger would want to mess with her??
L's a good sport with E. They had quite a few more pictures I'll share later.
Did everyone stay up until midnight to make sure the Celtics tromped the Lakers??
I didn't dare go to bed. I didn't want something bad to happen, and you know, by me staying up, all ended very well!!
And I'm going to say it again.................
We've got pirates. ARGGH Maties!!
Did everyone stay up until midnight to make sure the Celtics tromped the Lakers??
I didn't dare go to bed. I didn't want something bad to happen, and you know, by me staying up, all ended very well!!
And I'm going to say it again.................
Friday, June 13, 2008
All I have to day today
All I have to say today is,
I didn't see that one coming, as I went to bed during the second quarter, totally disgusted!!
I didn't see that one coming, as I went to bed during the second quarter, totally disgusted!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
summer's coming
School is winding down for L & M. Last minute projects and final exams. Tonight is the track awards banquet for the high school. Then Saturday M goes to Camp Agawam for a week.
And L is going to train for her first real job. Yikes, where does the time go?? Drivers Ed will be next for her..................I'm stalling though!! 

Would you be wary if this drove by??
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