Monday, June 23, 2008

too much

E had the camera one evening and took about 350 pictures of the floor the windows, his toys and way too many pictures of the dogs rear-ends!! I deleted 349 but kept this one. I do NOT allow my picture to be taken normally, however, E charmed us and L is just trying not to crack up. It's quite funny.

We picked up M from camp on Friday. He didn't feel well. I think just over-tired. He went to bed early and woke up feeling all better. L finished her second weekend of working and is enjoying herself. One of her good friends works with her so that makes things more fun.

We had a marathon shopping day today. We dragged Nana along. She doesn't do the mall, but did. She was a good sport and was probably glad to be dropped off at home!! We'll all sleep well tonight............

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