This blogging thing is happening few and far between isn't it!!
J and the kids are off to the first fair of the season. They headed off yesterday afternoon. Got everything packed, clothes for themselves, cows, food for the cows, and all the "stuff" they need for the shows............and it's a lot of stuff!!
My mother and I started a class last night, I'll give you a hint..............

I have never taking a class (in my adult life) for anything. This one I've been wanting to do for a loooooooooooooong time. And finally one came along that I could fit in. I've also had all the things I need except the know-how. Now I've got some of the know-how and I'm so excited!! Did you figure it out yet??

Spinning!! Not stationery bike spinning, but fiber spinning. I made that last night at the class and then some more at home after. I did some funky pink stuff, too.

A lot of thick and thin right now, I guess the even thing comes with practice.

Gotta have kid picture!! She had my camera again!!
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