A couple of weekends ago, I went to a small sheepfest. I like to see what the sheep look like after they are sheared of their wooly coats.

This white one looked a little worried.

This one's getting a pedicure to go with its new do.

This is one majestic looking llama. Very, very handsome.

But it's huge!! The owner was hoping the sheep shearer could sheer the llama, because she wasn't having any luck at all. The sheep shearer took his shears around the llama, turned them on and the llama freaked. The sheep shearer told her he really didn't have time right then, that he had a pile of sheep to shear.

I didn't get any "after" pictures. They just aren't as nice looking.
And while I was admiring sheep and buying yarn. L, M & C2 were doing this..........

No it can't be warm. April 19th in Maine!!!!!!!!!! They had a 4-H fitting clinic most of the day and I guess that pond looked pretty good by the end. L was the first one in and pretty soon there were 7 or 8 more kids in there.